The Week of 05/16 through 05/20- 1. 30 Days/2. Final Portfolio

Unfortunately we are still in the hospital with my daughter. She is in isolation and facing surgery hopefully Wednesday.  I wish I could be there as this is a fun time of year. If everything goes well I should be back Thursday 05/19.

After you have finished the articles from last week there are 2 things that you need to do.

1. Make a powerpoint presentation rather than a film for the 30 days project. (make the alternative assignment.)

2. Collect work from other classes to post in your blog.

Part 1 – Due 05/23 and ready to present as part of the Finals Day. You will need to email these to me by 05/23 and will not have time to work on them during class for the first block.

Ok so since I am not there I can’t help you film with the cameras. You are welcome to use your own but are no longer required to film any part of the 30 days project.

Essential Question: “What are the big issue concerning work?”

Objective: Using their 30 days script scenarios. Students will write a specific 30 days script and then make a powerpoint/imovie or prezi for a 30 days opening sequence.

Alternative assignment: Students may also decide to present their 30 days opening sequence with a powerpoint or Prezi.  Students will still need to write a specific script but may create a timed slide show 45-60 seconds. You will need to explain all of the big issues around your career choice (choose your angle.) You will need to include at least 8 images and include the “We will find out as a . . . .  lives with/as a . . . . for the next, 30 Days.”


Part 2 – As part of your final for this class your blog will serve as an electronic portfolio.

Electronic Portfolio Part of your Final for 2010-2011.

– Students will collect a total of 6 examples of student work (papers, projects, artwork, pictures, tests) from the academic year 2010-2011 and include them in their blog/ electronic portfolio. You can do this by uploading files and or scanning any of your work. You must include at least 4 other classes as well as IMPAC (4 classes for the total of 6 examples of work.) If you have a particular passion or talent outside of traditional school please replace one of the other subjects with your talent or passion. Students will include a brief reflection on each piece of work.

– Each subject/talent represented needs to have a category.

– You may scan, record, photograph, any example of your work from this academic year.

About hugginsdocs

teach at NPHS 07060. Classic Liberal Arts background, humanities driven, tech in the passenger seat. Murray Hill, NJ
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1 Response to The Week of 05/16 through 05/20- 1. 30 Days/2. Final Portfolio

  1. loganbvh says:

    Huggins! I miss you, and hope your daughter gets well very soon. Let us know if there’s anything we can do. Also, you stay well yourself, how about it?

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